When using Filters and Smart Lists, there are a variety of columns that you can use to organize data.
Note: If you update the smart list columns on a shared smart list, it will update for everyone who has access to the list.
First Name: The first name listed in the lead profile. Use this column to sort leads in alphabetical order by first name or check if the field is empty.
Last Name: The last name listed in the lead profile. Use this column to sort leads in alphabetical order by last name or check if the field is empty.
Phone: The first phone number listed in the lead profile. Use this column to filter good/bad numbers, review if you have phone numbers listed for your leads, or search for the first few digits of the number.
Email: The first email address listed in the lead profile. Filter for good/bad emails, whether or not you have an email listed for that lead, or partial contents of the email address.
Address: The first physical address listed in the lead profile. Use this column to filter if this information is empty or not empty.
Price: The numbers listed in the price field in the lead profile. This is usually generated by the lead source but can be edited manually. Use this column to sort price in ascending or descending order, search for leads under or over a certain price point, or filter for a price range (E.g. Leads looking for homes between $300,000 - $500,000.)
Tags: The tags attached to individual leads. Filter see leads that contain or do not contain, certain tags. (More on working with tags.)
Stage: The stage a lead is currently listed in (E.g. Buyer, Seller, etc.). Use this column to sort stages in alphabetical order, or filter for leads within a certain stage. (More information on stages.)
Source: The original way a lead came into Follow Up Boss (E.g. Zillow, Realtor, Website, etc.) Note that the source can be manually edited after a lead enters the system. Use this column to filter for leads who came in via a certain source.
Created: The date a lead came into Follow Up Boss for the first time. Use this column to arrange your leads from Old -> New or New -> Old. You can also search for leads that came in within a certain time frame.
Updated: The last time a lead was updated as a whole, including lead assignment changes, profile information changes like phone number or price, information added to custom fields, etc. Use this column to track when updates occurred (Old -> New or New -> Old), or you can search for updates that happened within a specific time frame.
Inactive: Tracks the last time information was tracked in their lead profile. This includes profile updates, emails, texts, calls, notes, and marketing emails. Use this column to filter inactivity Old -> New or New -> Old, or within a selected time frame. This column tracks activity that can occur by an agent or team member. To see a lead's specific activity see "Last Activity: Below.
My Next Task: Indicates if the logged-in user has a task listed for the lead. Use "empty" or "not empty" filters to see if you have a task listed for leads, or sort your upcoming tasks Old -> New or New -> Old. (More information on tasks.) Note: My Next Task will sort the most recent upcoming tasks into the future and then the most recent overdue tasks.
Last Activity: The last activity taken by a lead in regard to inquiries and searches. This can be their original creation date, lead inquiries on sites such as Realtor or Zillow, or website registrations. Additionally, fully integrated IDX partners send information such as website visits, property views, favorited properties, and saved searches. Use this column to filter by recent or least recent activity or for those who have no activity.
Last Communication: This column tracks the most recent communication that occurred via call, email, or text. Marketing emails/texts, Action Plan emails, and Batch emails are not included. Use this column to filter by recent or least recent communication or for leads who have no communication on record.
Timeframe: Tracks the contact's Timeframe to Move by filtering to 0-3 Months, 3-6 Months, 6-12 Months, 12+ Months or No Plans.
Agent: The agent currently assigned to the lead. Use this column to filter by leads assigned to a certain agent within your team.
Pond: The pond currently assigned to the lead. Use this column to filter by leads assigned to a certain pond.
Lender: The lender currently assigned to the lead. Use this column to filter by leads assigned to a certain lender within your team.
Collaborators: This column will display the first collaborator listed on the lead. You can use it to filter for any collaborators listed on the lead. (More on working with collaborators.)
Last Email: The last incoming or outgoing email communication that happened with any email address listed in the lead profile. Marketing emails, such as those that occur through Action Plans, Batch Emails, or MailChimp, are not included. Use this column to sort by last email communication ( Old -> New or New -> Old), emails that took place more than/less than a certain period of time, or find contacts where no email communication occurred.
Last Sent Email: The last email sent to a lead by any team member, marketing emails excluded. Use this column to sort by last email sent ( Old -> New or New -> Old), emails sent that took place more than/less than a certain period of time, or find contacts where no emails have been sent to the lead.
Last Received Email: The last email a contact sent to a member of your team. Use this column to sort by last email received ( Old -> New or New -> Old), emails sent that took place more than/less than a certain period of time, or determine which leads you haven't heard from via email.
Last Sent Batch Email: The last sent batch email from within FUB. Use this column to sort by last sent batch email ( Old -> New or New -> Old), emails sent that took place more than/less than a certain period of time, or find contacts where no batch emails have been sent to the lead.
Last Sent Action Plan Email: The last sent action plan email. Use this column to sort by last sent action plan email ( Old -> New or New -> Old), emails sent that took place more than/less than a certain period of time, or find contacts where no action plan emails have been sent to the lead.
Last Sent Marketing Campaign: The last sent marketing campaign from a 3rd party service such as MailChimp or Happy Grasshopper. Use this column to sort by last sent marketing campaign ( Old -> New or New -> Old), emails sent that took place more than/less than a certain period of time, or find contacts where no marketing campaigns have been sent to the lead.
Emails Sent: Total of emails sent to a lead by any team member. Sort contacts by the number of emails sent or filter by the total number of sent emails (less than, more than, or a range).
Emails Received: Total number of emails your team received from a contact. Sort contacts by the number of emails received or filter by the total number of received emails (less than, more than, or a range).
Last Email Activity: Tracks opens and clicks. Sort activity in chronological order, time frame, or if any activity occurred at all.
Last Call: The last call made to, or received from, any number in a contact's profile. This can be manually logged or automatically tracked via our Calling feature. You can use this column to track when or if a call occurred, or sort by most recent call. (More on logging calls.)
Last Call Made: The last outgoing call to any number on a contact's profile. This can be manually logged or automatically tracked via our Calling feature. Use this column to track when or if a call was initiated, or sort by most recent outgoing call.
Last Call Received: The last incoming call received from any number on a contact's profile. Use this column to track when or if a call was received from a contact or sort by most recent call received.*
Calls Made: Total number of calls made to a lead. This includes connected and non-connected calls. Sort by the total number of outgoing calls, or track the number of calls your team has made to a certain lead (less than, more than, or a range).
Calls Received: Total number of calls received from a lead. Sort by the total number of incoming calls, or track the number of calls your team has received from a certain lead (less than, more than, or a range).*
Time to First Call: Measures the amount of time it took to first call the lead. (Based on time lead was originally created in your system.) Sort in chronological order based on the amount of time, or track how long it takes agents to first reach out by filtering by greater than/less than. If this time frame is "empty" it signifies no call on record.*
Talk Time: The total amount of time spent on the phone with a contact. Sort in chronological order, or filter by time range.*
*To get the most out of this tracking, we recommend our Calling Add-On.
These columns take into account all text activity that occurs through Follow Up Boss. This can be texts that take place through the company texting number or a team member's individual calling number.
Last Text: Last text message sent to, or received from, any phone number on a contact's profile. Filter by when the text occurred, track if no communication happened, or sort Old -> New or New -> Old.
Last Text Sent: The last text message sent to a contact by any member of your team. Filter by when the text occurred, track if no communication happened, or sort Old -> New or New -> Old.
Last Text Received: The last text message received from any number on a contact's profile. Filter by when the text occurred, track if no communication happened, or sort Old -> New or New -> Old.
Texts Sent: Number of outgoing texts from any member of your team. Sort by the total number of outgoing texts, or track the number of texts your team has made to a certain lead (less than, more than, or a range).
Texts Received: Number of incoming texts from a contact to any member of your team. Sort by the total number of incoming texts, or track the number of texts your team has made to a certain lead (less than, more than, or a range).
Website Activity
This section is available to users who utilize an IDX provider that is fully integrated with Follow Up Boss. (IDX Integrations)
Properties Viewed: Number of properties viewed on the website by a lead. Sort based number of properties viewed or filter for the exact number or range.
Properties Saved: Number of properties saved on the website by a lead. Sort based number of saved properties or filter for the exact number or range.
Pages Viewed: Number of pages a lead views on your website. This excludes pages that contain a property address. Sort based on the number of pages or filter for the exact number or range.
Last Visit: The last date a lead visited your website. This excludes the initial event that created the lead profile (even if it's a site visit). Sort in chronological order, if a visit occurred, or filter by time frame.
will NOT count the initial event that creates the lead, even if it is technically a site visit.
Visits: The amount of total unique visits to your website. Event types included are viewed page, viewed property, and visited website.
This section is useful for anyone who is managing Deals in Follow Up Boss
Deal Stage: Deal with the closest upcoming close date that matches the filters. Tip: Filter to Deal State is empty to see people without a deal.
Deal Close Date: Date that the filtered deal will be closed. Sort by ascending and descending order
Deal Price: Price of the filtered deal. Sort ascending and descending.
Inbox Apps
Inbox Apps include text messages, instant messages, or emails that a partner (Ylopo Raiya, Zillow, etc.) wants to show in a FUB inbox.
Note: This feature is currently in beta.
Last Inbox App Message: Date of the last Inbox App message (includes sent and received).
Last Sent Inbox App Message: Date of the most recent sent Inbox App message.
Last Received Inbox App Message: Date of the most recent response to an Inbox App conversation.
Last Marketing Message Reply: The last reply to a partner integration's marketing text or Inbox App conversation.
Inbox App Messages Sent: Total number of sent (outbound) Inbox App messages.
Inbox App Messages Received: Total number of received Inbox App messages.
Custom Fields
These fields vary by account and are created by the Account Owner.
Text Fields: Sort in alphabetical order or filter if that field is empty or contains certain information.
Date Fields: Sort in chronological order or filter by upcoming dates, e.g. birthdays or home anniversaries. (How to track dates in FUB.)
Number Fields: Sort in chronological order or search by range.
Dropdown Fields: Sort in alphabetical order, filter for empty/not empty fields, or include/exclude options.
Click here for more information on custom fields.
Filter Parameters
Is/are empty: Filter criteria is empty
Is/are not empty: Filter criteria is not empty
Contains: Filter criteria contains
Does not contain: Filter criteria do not contain
Is good: Information is valid
Is bad: Information is not valid
Starts with: Filter criteria starts with...
Is less than: Amount is less than the number entered
Is greater than: Amount is more than the number entered
Is between: Amount is between the numbers entered
Include (any/all): Includes any of the filtered criteria or includes all the filtered criteria
Exclude (any/all): Excludes any of the filtered criteria or excludes all the filtered criteria
Was less than: Less than the number entered (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years)
Was more than: More than the number entered (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years)