With Follow Up Boss, you can add tons of data to your contacts that can later be used for filtering a group of contacts. Use filters to find people based on stage, tags, last communication and so much more.
How it Works
Filter Definitions
Before filtering, you need to know what each filter means. Check out Filter Definitions to identify the best filter for your search.
How to Filter Contacts
Option One: Use the Filters Tab
1. Go to People and click Filters in the upper right-hand corner
2. Search and Select the desired filter
Option Two: Filter by Column
1. Go to People and click Columns in the upper right-hand corner
2. Check the Box next to the desired column to filter (if not already checked)
3. Click the Column Header that you would like to add a filter to
4. Apply the Desired Filters
5. The list will automatically adjust to the filter and display on the right-hand side of the screen
Option Three: Filter by User
1. Go to People and click Everyone in the upper right-hand corner
2. Search and Select the desired user
Note: When selecting Me or Agent Name from the drop-down in the upper right-hand corner, all contacts that the user has access to will populate, including contacts they are collaborators on. To view assigned contacts, use the Assigned Agent filter.
How to Clear Filters
1. Go to People and click Filters in the upper right-hand corner
2. Once the filters are exposed, Hover over the filter name and click the X to remove
3. If there is more than one filter and you want to clear all filters, click Clear Filters
How to Save a Smart List
1. Go to People and Filter to the desired contacts
2. Click Save List
Note: If Save List is not available in the upper right-hand corner, click + to create a new list.
3. Name your list & enter a Description
4. Select a Team(s) or User(s) to share the list with (optional) > Save