The admin console is the central hub where all the setup for an account is located. It encompasses various aspects such as lead distribution, follow-up processes, account management, integrations with other systems, and customization options.
The Overview tab is your go-to place for accessing admin tools.
Lead Flow
The owner and admin users can manage their web lead sources on the Lead Flow page.
The owner and admin users can create and edit Lead Flow Groups for lead distribution.
The owner and admin users can manage users and their permissions on the Teams tab.
Action Plans
Automatically send an initial text autoresponder, trigger drip emails, assign tasks, and so much more with Action Plans.
Automate your workflow and maximize key lead events with Automations.
Owner and admin users can use Ponds for their team to activity grab and work leads.
Email Templates
Create and edit Email Templates for automated and frequently sent emails.
Text Templates
Create and edit Text Templates for frequently sent texts.
Import a file or view previous imports.
Custom Fields
The owner and admin users can manage and create Custom Fields.
The owner can manage their subscription plan, calling add-ons, and Billing information.
The owner and admin users can view and create Custom Stages.
Phone Numbers
The owner and admin users can manage their FUB Numbers.
The owner and admin users can manage Tags and Auto-Tagging (owner only).
Manage your team's direct integrations on the Integrations tab.
The owner and admin users can manage and edit their Company information.
Create and manage API Keys within your account.
The owner can edit and create appointment types and outcomes that are used for Appointment Creation.