If you have two or more profiles for the same contact, use the merge contacts action to combine the profiles.
Merging Contacts
1. Enter the contact's name in the Search bar > click View List of People
2. Select the Contacts you would like to merge > Mass Actions > Merge People
Note: Up to 10 contacts can be merged at once.
3. Select the Main Contact to merge data to > Yes, Merge # People
Note: All information from the contacts will be transferred to the main contact that is selected.
Merging Related Contacts
If you have related contacts, i.e. spouse or family, on separate contacts, you can merge them into one with Contact Relationships. This helps track conversations with each contact in the same place.
Option 1: People Page
1. Enter the contact's name in the Search bar > click View List of People
2. Select the Contacts you would like to merge > Mass Actions > Merge People
Note: Up to 10 contacts can be merged at once.
3. Select the Main Person > Check Merge People As Relationships > Yes, Merge 2 People
Option 2: Lead Profile
1. Navigate to the Main Contact Profile
2. Relationships > Merge Existing Person
3. Search and Select the existing person > Merge
How is the data merged?
The main contact you merge to will keep its name, assigned agent, assigned lender, stage, and action plan will continue running (if one was running). Additional information from the merged contacts will be added to the main contact (notes, etc). Custom fields will not be overwritten by a merge; however, if the field is blank on the primary contact and filled in on the merged contact, the merged contact's custom field information will be used. Contact information and associated data will be moved (not copied) to the main contact. This cannot be undone. The merged contacts not designated as the main contact will have their action plans paused, and the stage is changed to trash.
Note: Follow Up Boss keeps the primary contact's background information, photo, social media information, and marketing source. Because of this, the merged contact's information in these sections will not be merged over to the primary.
Unmerging Contacts
When contacts or relationships need to be separated or unmerged, you will need to Manually Add a Contact for the additional person.
Note: Past conversations will not transfer to the new lead profile.