How First to Claim Lead Assignment Works
First to Claim lead assignment alerts a group of agents when new leads are created in Follow Up Boss. When a new lead is created, all members of the First to Claim group will receive a push notification alert on their phones. The first member of the group who claims the lead (via the push notification) will be assigned agent in Follow Up Boss.
Best Practices & Important Notes
- First to Claim push notifications to claim new leads will only display on your iPhone or Android device via the Follow Up Boss mobile app.
- First to Claim push notifications to claim new leads will only display if you have the Follow Up Boss mobile app's push notifications turned on.
- First to Claim notifications are not sent via email or text.
- When you receive a First to Claim push notification, tapping the notification (not swiping it) will prompt you to claim the lead. Swiping the notification can clear it and prevent you from claiming the lead.
- Every team member should watch the video below before being set on First to Claim assignment
Enabling First to Claim
1) Go to Admin > Groups
2) Click + Add Group in the upper right-hand corner > Add Group window will appear
3) On this window, add a Group Name
4) Select Agents and the desired Users
5) Choose First to Claim
6) Enable Hide Name and Hide Source (optional: only applies to agents)
7) Specify the Amount of Time you'd like to allow leads to go unclaimed, and specify the Fallback Action to whom the unclaimed leads will be assigned to
Note: You can select another first to claim group, round robin group, or an individual team member as the fallback option. The maximum time for leads to remain unclaimed is 30 minutes to ensure timely automated communication.
8) Save Changes
9) Go to Admin > Lead Flow and assign the group to a lead flow source for distribution.
Note: Lender groups cannot be changed to First to Claim; they are always Round Robin groups.
Claiming a New Contact
When an unclaimed lead is available to an agent, they will receive a push notification on their phone. Tapping the notification will prompt the agent to claim the lead. Unclaimed leads are also displayed on the recent screen and can be claimed there.
Note: If you try to claim a lead after it's claimed by another team member, you will be informed that the lead has already been claimed (image below). If no one claims the lead, it will be assigned to a specified fallback agent after a specified amount of time. The fallback agent may be a member of the First to Claim group but doesn't have to be.
Optimizing First to Claim (FTC) Notifications
- Log in to Follow Up Boss
- Click on your Initials/Image in the upper right-hand corner > My Devices
- Click Send Test Notification next to the desired device
If you are consistently having difficulty claiming new leads, you may want to reach out to your account owner or admin to discuss potential alternatives to FTC. The FTC groups could be made smaller, or our Round Robin Groups or Ponds could be used instead. Your account owner or admin will be the best resource for feedback on lead distribution practices.
We allow up to two fallback groups to be linked together when creating a fallback action strategy. After the second fallback group, if the lead is still not claimed (or assigned to a pond), the lead will automatically be reassigned to the account owner.
For example, you may want to setup a Primary Agent FTC group and if a lead goes unclaimed it would fallback to an ISA FTC group and if by some chance is also unavailable after-hours would then fallback to an Unclaimed Pond if the lead was still unclaimed.
Example Fallback Flows:
Primary Agent Group(FTC Group) -> ISA Group (FTC Group) -> Unclaimed (Pond)
Primary Agent Group(FTC Group) -> Unclaimed (Pond)
When deleting a group that is linked to other groups as a fallback you will see a notification showing you what groups it is linked to and what fallback action would you like to use to update them.