Strong call quality is essential when making business calls. To ensure a great calling experience through Follow Up Boss, it is important to complete the recommended setup steps before calling through your desktop.
💡 Join our next calling and texting webinar to learn about the power you unlock with a Follow Up Boss phone number. The webinar is less than 15 minutes long but will help you make the most out of calling. You can sign up for our next session here.
Computer & Browser Setup
Make sure your computer's microphone is enabled
Enable Browser permissions
FUB needs permission to access the microphone in your browser. Click on your browser name to set your microphone permissions
Connect a Headset
USB: Plug directly into one of your computer's USB ports
Bluetooth or other wireless headset: Make sure your headset is charged and paired to your computer
Note: 3.5 mm headphones and your computer speakers are not recommended for setup or for making calls.
Complete a Test
Go into My Settings in Follow Up Boss. Click on Make a Test Call.
- The call rings and then disconnects: FUB has detected that one of the steps above has not been completed. Check to make sure all steps are completed.
If you don't have access to modify your computer's settings, you can still initiate calls from the desktop using your US or Canadian-based mobile phone: Calling Method
For the Best Calling Experience
- Laptops should be plugged into a charger and opened. If a laptop lid is closed or in a docking station FUB calling may not work as expected
- Some USB accessories may interfere with calls. If calling is not working as expected, unplug USB accessories from your computer. If using a USB headset, this can stay plugged in
- If you use your Mac or iPad for cellular calls, this feature should be disabled during calls: Make and Receive Calls on your Mac.
- Chrome browser extensions may interfere with the FUB dialer. To disable excess extensions: (Reset Chrome).
- In some cases, calling may not work in normal browsing. Using incognito or private browsing mode for FUB calling. Click on your browser's name to learn how to enter incognito or private browsing mode: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge.