Whether you are switching to a new team or starting out on your own, you may need to transfer your database from one Follow Up Boss account to another. Transfer your data in minutes by following this guide.
1. Update your login email address
If you are using the same email address for the new account as your current account, follow the steps below. If you will be using a different email address for the new account, skip to step 2.
1. Log In to your original Follow Up Boss account
2. Go to your Initials/Image in the upper right-hand corner > My Settings
3. Change the domain of the login email to @example.com
4. Save
Note: The @example.com email is now the login email for the account. The same password will be used. If you need a password reset, please reach out to support@followupboss.com.
2. Create your new account
Joining a Team
1. Check your email for an invitation to join the team
2. Accept the invitation and follow the prompts to access your account
Creating a Personal Account
1. Go to FollowUpBoss.com > Start Free Trial
2. Follow the prompts to create your new account
3. Export your data from the original account
Note: You may need to obtain export permissions from your account owner. For more information, check out Exporting Contacts to a Spreadsheet.
1. Log In to your original Follow Up Boss account
2. Go to People > All People
3. Select the Box next to name > Select All Leads
4. Export
5. Select Export all Columns > Yes, Export All People
6. The file will Automatically Download to your computer
4. Import your data into the new account
For more information on importing, check out Importing Contacts Overview.
1. Log in to the new Follow Up Boss account
2. Go to Admin > Import
3. Click Step 1: Import Your Contacts
4. Select the CSV File that was exported from your original account > Open
5. Map the Columns > Import
5. Cancel the original account
If you no longer need the original account, you will want to cancel the account.
Note: If you have a FUB number and want to transfer it to your new account, the original account will need to remain active until the transfer has been completed.
Owner of the Account
To cancel your subscription, go to Admin > Billing > Cancel Subscription. Here is more information about Canceling Your Account.
Team Member
To delete your user account, go to your initials/image in the upper right-hand corner > My Settings > Delete My Team Member Account. For more information, check out Deleting Your User Account.
Information transferred via import
The following information is transferred to a new FUB account upon import.
- Demographic information (name, address, email address, phone number, etc)
- Notes
- Custom Fields
- Background
- Tags
- Stages
- Assigned Agent
- Assigned Lender
- Call Logs with Date/Time (will be imported as a note)
- Text Logs with Date/Time (will be imported as a note)
Information not transferred via import
The following information is not transferred to a new FUB account upon import. If you would like to transfer templates, action plans, tasks, or appointments it will need to be done manually.
- Email Templates
- Text Templates
- Action Plans
- Tasks
- Appointments
- Emails
- Lead Activity