Follow Up Boss will use your email address as the login name for the account. Your login email can be changed at any point after you log in on the My Settings screen. Below are steps on how to create and reset your Follow Up Boss password.
Creating a Password
When starting a trial account, you have the option to either log in via OAuth or by completing the form with a written password.
Sign up with Google or Microsoft
When signing up via OAuth, a written password is not created. To create a written password after creating an account, follow the Resetting Your Password steps below.
Filling out the Form
1. Enter your Name, Cell Phone, and Email
2. Create a Password of 10 characters (minimum)
Note: The password strength indicator takes into account not just length, but security best practices.
3. Select the Number of People that will use Follow Up Boss
4. Select your Industry
5. Agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy
6. Click Start My Free Trial and your account will be created!
Resetting Your Password
1. Go to > Login
2. Select Forgot Password
3. Enter your Login Email > Send Instructions
4. Click on the Password Reset Link sent to your email
5. Enter a New Password > Confirm New Password > Reset My Password
6. You will be automatically logged in to your FUB account with your new password
Note: The password reset link will be valid for 10 minutes. If the password link expires, complete the process again.
Tips for Creating a Strong Password
- Create a password that is a combination of words, symbols, and numbers, in addition to upper and lowercase letters.
- Don't use your brokerage name or something easy to guess, like "password."
- A phrase or sentence can make for an easy-to-remember, secure password, for example, Make10MillionIn2020*.
- Avoid using the same password for multiple websites.
- Never use the same password that you use for email.
- Please don't store your passwords in a document or note on your computer. We recommend a password manager like LastPass or 1Password.
⚠️ Caution
- Do not share your password. If a system or person needs access to your FUB account, add them as a user. Once they no longer need access to your account, delete the user and your account will be credited with the unused time.
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