Attaching Files to a Lead Profile
1. Navigate to the desired Lead Profile
2. On the left-hand side, locate Files
3. Click the blue + symbol
4. Select an option
Upload Files: Upload a file from your device
Add Link: Enter a URL and title to save
Note: You can also drag and drop one or more files onto the file section to Upload. Leaving the page while a file is uploading will CANCEL the upload. File uploads will have a progress indicator and can be canceled at any time during the upload (shown below).
Viewing Files
To view a file in your browser, click on the file preview (certain file types such as PDF will download instead). The file can also be downloaded or deleted permanently. To see who uploaded the file, hover over the date/time of the file.
Adding a File to an Email
To attach a file to an email within FUB, you'll need to click it to download it to your computer and then use the attachments button in the bottom left of the email to attach it.
Attaching a File to Deals
1. Navigate to the Deals tab
2. Open the deal (files can only be added to existing deals)
3. Select Upload File(s) or Add a Link
File Information
- Max File Size: 100MB
- Allowed Number of Files: Unlimited
- Disallowed File Extensions: exe, vb, bat, cmd, etc (common harmful file types)