Note: Zillow Messages in FUB is currently available to select Zillow Premier Agent partners in Phoenix, Raleigh, Atlanta and Denver. As this new feature expands to more partners in more markets, Zillow Premier Agent partners will be contacted by their Growth Advisors with more information.
Zillow Messages in Follow Up Boss helps boost buyer engagement for Zillow leads.
This is an “app-to-app” messaging platform that streamlines communications and is a foundational feature of the integrated transaction experience that will only be available in FUB. When you send a Zillow Message in FUB, the buyer receives and replies using their Zillow App or by simply replying to the text notification.
By facilitating buyer and agent communication, Zillow aims to build trust and credibility with buyers from the outset, enhancing their confidence and setting the stage for successful collaborations between buyers and agents.
- Increase your reach: With Zillow Messages, you bypass spam filters set by phone carriers, ensuring your message reaches the buyer seamlessly. Buyers receive your message as a Zillow app push notification (if enabled) and text notification, allowing them to choose how they would like to respond.
- Boost buyer confidence: When you send the buyer your first Zillow Message, Zillow sends them your introduction card showcasing your experience, helping increase buyer confidence from the initial message.
- Streamline communication: Every new connection you receive, and any property inquiries from your My Agent connections will be on your Zillow Messages in FUB, empowering you to manage all communication with that buyer in one place.
How does it work?
Zillow creates a conversation for all new Zillow Leads (RTT, Standard Tours, Contact Agent, My-Agent) as a Zillow Message in FUB.
Buyers receive your Zillow Message as a push notification (via the Zillow App) and a text message notification. The text message notification has a link to their Zillow Inbox. Buyers can respond to the text message notification to reply to your Zillow Message.
What’s the buyer experience like?
Buyers who have a My Agent relationship with you can send you a message directly from a Zillow listing (Screen 1). As the buyer types their direct message to you they’ll see your profile photo and name (screen 2). Once the message is sent, buyers will get a Call To Action to “Go to Inbox” (screen 3) to continue the conversation with you there. You will receive that as a Zillow Message directly in FUB, so you can keep communicating smoothly and effectively.
When you reply to that message from the buyer as a Zillow Message in FUB, they will receive your message as a push notification from their Zillow app (screen 1) and a text message notification (screen 2). They can click to open the message on their Zillow app (screen 3) and reply from there (screen 4), or they can simply reply to the text message notification and you will get that response as a Zillow Message in FUB.
What’s the agent experience like?
For Real-Time Touring (RTT) connections, you will be able to send a Zillow Message after confirming your appointment by clicking on “Message the buyer in FUB” (screen 1), which opens the FUB mobile app.
From there, you click on this specific buyer (screen 2) to send a message. You can search the RTT template (screen 3), select it (screen 4) and send as your first message to the buyer (screen 5).
For Standard tours, you will see the option to “Message the buyer in FUB” after confirming the appointment and follow the same steps.
You will also receive messages from your My Agent connections as Zillow Messages in FUB (screen 1). The buyer’s message will include a link to the specific property they messaged about, so you have the right context (screen 2) and from there you can also click to view the property details before responding (screen 3).
To access your Zillow Messages on FUB desktop, navigate to the People page, open a lead profile page. To send a Zillow Message, click on “Messages” and make sure you have “Zillow Messages” selected before you start typing your message.
On FUB mobile, you will be able to access your Zillow Messages by clicking on FUB notifications labeled as “Zillow Messages”, by opening the Mobile Inbox and searching for the “Zillow Message” label and the Zillow symbol, or by opening a lead profile page, where you will see your Zillow Messages at the top of the screen under “Recent Messages”, they will also appear with the Zillow symbol so you can know that is a Zillow Message.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who has access to Zillow Messages in FUB?
Zillow Messages in FUB is currently available to select Zillow Premier Agent partners in Phoenix, Raleigh, Atlanta and Denver. As this new feature expands to more partners in more markets, Zillow Premier Agent partners will be contacted by their Growth Advisors with more information.
What Zillow leads are available to use for Zillow Messages in FUB?
All new “property" centric connections (RTT, Standard Tour, Contact Agent, Email Connection, and reassignments within the team) will have a Zillow Message automatically created. Phone leads and profile leads are currently not going to have a Zillow Message automatically created.
We recommend sending your first message to the buyer through Zillow Messages in FUB and continuing the conversation until it makes sense to move to FUB text message or FUB phone calls later on.
What happens if the buyer isn’t responding to my Zillow messages?
Just like with all leads, Zillow recommends waiting an hour or two, before transitioning to a FUB text message or FUB Call. You can see “read receipts” underneath your Zillow Message as well.
What if the buyer doesn’t have the Zillow App?
The agent’s message comes in via text message with a link to the web version of the Zillow app. The buyer can view and respond to messages in the web version or the buyer can reply directly to the text message.
How do I tell I am using Zillow Messages in FUB?
Zillow Messages is accessible in Mobile Inbox, Mobile People under “recent messages”, Desktop Inbox, Desktop Timeline, etc. The message will say “Zillow Messages” and have a Zillow icon instead of a text message icon.
How can I find the Zillow Messages on the FUB mobile app and FUB desktop?
You can find the Zillow Messages from the lead profile in the FUB mobile app and also on FUB desktop. The Zillow Messages are the ones with the Zillow logo (not the ones with the text bubble, those are FUB text messages).
How do buyers receive and reply to messages sent by the agent as a Zillow Message?
- Accessing Messages: When a buyer receives a Zillow Message from you, they’ll get a notification from Zillow (via text and push notification if enabled) letting them know there’s a new message and will be able to see what you wrote directly from that notification.
- Viewing & Replying: To view the full message and reply, the buyer can go to Zillow on the app, mobile web, or desktop, or reply directly to that text notification, and you will get that response as a Zillow Message in FUB.