Common Questions
Why isn't information syncing on my Zillow Leads?
If the Zillow icon doesn’t appear next to the stage in Follow Up Boss, it means that the lead is not syncing. If it's a lead older than 2 years, you can “prompt” the sync by updating the lead in Zillow. The lead must already exist in Follow Up Boss to start the sync. Once the sync is established, individual fields will sync as information is added or updated in either system. All new leads from Zillow will be automatically synced in Follow Up Boss.
Why are the updates made in FUB not syncing to Zillow?
Updates made by agents who do not own the lead (and did not initiate the sync) will not sync back to Zillow. To resolve this issue, the FUB account Owner will go to Admin > Integrations > Zillow. If there are agents listed with an "OK" connection who are not paying for their own leads, have the agent disconnect and reconnect the Zillow integration.
I am not able to change a lead's stage to "Listing Agreement" in FUB. Why is this?
This means the lead is a "Seller" in Zillow and "Listing Agreement" is a Buyer-specific stage in Zillow. To fix it, swap the lead to Buyer/Seller in Zillow.
Why are Zillow leads, that are assigned to me, not syncing to FUB?
For team-sourced leads to appear in an agent's FUB account, the team lead will need to complete the Zillow two-way integration.
Agent Connected: Leads that the agent generates (such as a lead inquiring on their Zillow profile) will sync to FUB
Team Lead and Agent Connected: Personal and team-sourced leads will sync to FUB.
Agent Connected: Leads that the agent generates (such as a lead inquiring on their Zillow profile) will sync to FUB
Team Lead and Agent Connected: Personal and team-sourced leads will sync to FUB.
Will the My Agent relationship extend through the two-way Integration?
At this time you will still need to manage your My Agent relationships in your Zillow Premier Agent Inbox.
Do Flex tasks appear in FUB?
Flex tasks do not appear in FUB. As an alternative, we recommend transitioning to Smart Lists in FUB.
When I send a text in FUB, will I see this communication logged in Zillow?
When a text is sent from FUB, a communication signal is sent to Zillow. The text will not be logged in Zillow.
Can Zillow stages be mass-updated?
Yes! Use Mass Actions within FUB to mass update Zillow lead stages.
Can the email notifications be disabled about not being able to determine a Zillow lead's assigned agent?
This notification cannot be disabled. To resolve this, add the team member to FUB to match the lead assignment.
If a lead is in Zillow but not in FUB, can I change the lead stage in Zillow to send the lead to FUB?
Changing the lead stage in Zillow will not send the lead to FUB. As an alternative, create the lead in FUB and then make the stage change in Zillow to sync the two profiles. To sync a large number of leads, complete a Zillow export and FUB import.
Can the source of a Zillow lead be changed within FUB without impacting the integration?
Yes. Changing the lead source of a Zillow lead within FUB will not impact the integration.
Can I manually sync a previous Zillow deal to FUB?
Deals will only sync going forward after the two way integration is complete. There is no way to manually sync a previous Zillow deal to FUB. To have a deal sync between the two systems, the deal will need to be created in FUB. Note: Creating a deal in FUB when it already exists in Zillow may create a duplicate deal in Zillow.
Can deal syncing from FUB to Zillow be disabled?
Yes, this can be done by only creating the deal in FUB and then opting not to use the sync to Zillow option/leaving out some of the required information for deal syncing.
How do I file an exemption on a lead I was already working?
If an existing lead comes back in through Flex, the Zillow icon will appear and the lead will begin syncing. When this happens, the best course of action is:
1. File a FLEX Success Fee Exemption Request with Zillow
2. Mark the lead as "Trash" in Follow Up Boss which Rejects the lead in Zillow.
3. Create a duplicate contact in Follow Up Boss with just the Name and the source. Update the lead to the correct stage.
4. Merge the duplicate contact with the Trashed contact keeping the duplicated contact as the primary contact. This should bring over all the pertinent details from the original contact record.
This process will ensure that automations are not triggered on the newly created contact.
1. File a FLEX Success Fee Exemption Request with Zillow
2. Mark the lead as "Trash" in Follow Up Boss which Rejects the lead in Zillow.
3. Create a duplicate contact in Follow Up Boss with just the Name and the source. Update the lead to the correct stage.
4. Merge the duplicate contact with the Trashed contact keeping the duplicated contact as the primary contact. This should bring over all the pertinent details from the original contact record.
This process will ensure that automations are not triggered on the newly created contact.
What website activity from my Zillow Leads syncs to Follow Up Boss?
The Zillow two-way sync does not show property views and saved properties from Zillow in the Activity section of the Follow Up Boss lead profile. Only Zillow property inquiries sync to Follow Up Boss.
What if a user on our FUB account is a Team Leader for 2 Zillow accounts, can we connect both accounts?
The connection between a Zillow user and a FUB user is 1:1 so both Team Leads can be connected to FUB but it would have to be under two different FUB users.
Will a lead be updated in Zillow if a team member, who is not integrated with Zillow, is communicating with a lead in FUB?
Yes, the lead is still updated as long as the integration has the correct permission for the lead.