You can quickly view your deals, see the total value of deals in each stage, and view snapshots of key info like close dates, total deal values, and total commission values.
How to use it
The main deals screen shows your Deal Pipelines and Stages. The pipelines are the tabs near the top (Buyers, Sellers, Recruiting), and the corresponding stages are displayed below (Buyer Consultation scheduled, Accepted Offer, Under Contract, etc.).
Filtering Deals
1. To filter to a deal Status, User or Team, click the three horizontal lines in the upper left-hand corner.
2. Choose the Deal Status and User/Team.
Creating Deals
1. Navigate to the desired Deal Pipeline and Stage
2. Select the + Add Deal in the upper right-hand corner
3. Add the Deal Details > Create
Edit, Archive, or Delete Deals
1. Navigate to the desired Deal Pipeline and Stage
2. Select the Deal
3. Edit > Save or Archive/Delete the deal
Known Limitation
Deals are not visible on the lead profile within the app. To navigate to a specific deal on the app, we recommend using the filters on the deal tab.