Team inbox caller ID and notifications help team members know the type of call they are receiving and when to follow up with communication.
Caller ID
Team Inbox Call Routing = 1 Team Member
- Caller ID will display the phone number of an unknown lead and the name of existing leads on the incoming caller.
Team Inbox Call Routing = 2+ Team Members
- Caller ID will display the team inbox number and name on the desktop and the team inbox number on the mobile.
Best Practice: Have inbox team members save the team inbox number(s) to their mobile phone as a contact(s). This will prevent Silence Unknown Callers from stopping the call from ringing and help the agent know to answer the phone.
Notification Settings
Team inbox notification settings can be managed by going to the Bell in the upper right-hand corner > Settings Gear > Team Inbox.
For Team @Mentions, you can be notified via:
- Notifications Bell
- Desktop Push Notification
- Mobile Push Notification
- Email Notification
For a new text message, voicemail, or missed call, you can be notified via:
Missed Call Default Notification
When there is a missed call to a team inbox, Follow Up Boss sends an email notification to the inbox users (who are selected to be called) to notify them of the missed call. This is a default notification that cannot be turned off.