The iPhone app inbox provides on-the-go access to all communication. You can access emails, text messages, and calls in one central location. All items you see on the desktop inbox are now visible on your mobile app!
How to Find the Inbox
1. Log in to the iPhone App
2. Click on the Inbox icon at the bottom of the screen
Inbox View
Click My Inbox to toggle between My Inbox and Team Inboxes.
Filtering the Inbox
To view different types of communication (voicemail, text, email), click the three horizontal lines in the upper left-hand corner of the app.
Note: Icon lines turn blue when viewing texts and calls only. When icon lines appear white, all communication is displayed, including calls, texts, emails, and Inbox Apps.
Inbox Communication
Inbox communication will be displayed in the Inbox view.
Assigned Communication
Assigned communication will be displayed in the Assigned view.
Sent Communication
Sent communication to known and unknown contacts will be displayed in the Sent view.
Closed Communication
Closed communication will be displayed in the Closed view.
How to Reply to Communication
Click on Communication in the inbox, and you will be directed to the lead's communication to reply.
Notes and @Mentions
It will appear in My Inbox, with a preview of the note on the communication and a push pin icon.
1. Select a conversation in the inbox and choose the icon in the upper right-hand corner
2. Add a conversation note
3. Type a note and Save
Inbox Apps Communication
Inbox App communication will appear in the Inbox with an "APP" icon.
Swipe to close, re-open, and assign a conversation
Swipe right on any conversation to assign it to a team member.
Swipe left on an open conversation to close.
Swipe left on a closed conversation to re-open.
Presence Indicator
When another team member is viewing a conversation in the inbox, a visual indicator showing their presence will appear.