Engaging with vendors is a regular occurrence in the Real Estate industry. By incorporating these vendors into your database, you create a centralized hub to store and interact with them seamlessly as part of your daily workflow. There are three main ways to identify vendors in FUB.
Option 1: Stage
Creating a Stage named Vendor allows the team to identify and search for vendors when filtering by stage.
Note: Owners can create a new stage by following the steps below.
1. Go to Admin > Stages
2. Add Stage
3. Add stage name, Vendor > Create Stage
4. Add vendors to the Vendor Stage
Option 2: Tags
Creating a Tag named Vendor allows the team to identify and search for vendors when filtering by tags.
1. Go to People > All People
2. Select the Vendors
3. Click Add/Remove tags > Add Tags
4. Add the Tag Vendor > Add Tags
Option 3: Ponds
Creating a Pond for your Vendors allows admins and agents to have access to the pond to filter and identify vendors quickly.
Note: This option is available for teams with 2+ users and can be created by the owner/admin. Lenders will need to be added as collaborators to these contacts as they cannot be added as a pond member.
1. Go to Admin > Ponds > + Add Pond
2. Add the pond name, Vendors > Pond Lead > Pond Agents > Save Changes