Batch email reporting provides insight into your email metrics which can be used to nurture leads and tailor your communication to increase open, click, and response rates.
How it Works
How to Find Batch Email Reports
To access batch email reports, go to Reporting > Batch Emails. From here, admin users can toggle the filter in the upper right-hand corner to view the desired agent's batch emails.
Column Definitions
The subject includes the subject line of the email and who sent the email.
Created displays when the batch email was sent within Follow Up Boss.
The status of the email determines where the email is in its sending process. This can include sending, finished, failure, and scheduled. To view additional details on the email status, click details next to the status.
- Sending means the batch email delivery is currently in progress.
- Finished means the batch email has completed the sending process.
Failure means that the batch email failed to send. To view details on this error, click details next to the status.
- Connection Error means that you need to Connect Your Email to send batch emails.
- Sender Not Verified is an error that users can see if they have integrated their own Sendgrid account. To troubleshoot this error, check out SendGrid Batch Email Provider.
- Scheduled shows that the batch email has been scheduled along with the date and time the email is set to send. The scheduled batch email can also be canceled within the status column.
Recipients include the number of unique email addresses, including multiple email addresses on a lead profile, that were selected to send the batch email to.
Sent is the number of delivered emails, excluding failure to send, unsubscribes, and bounces.
Opens is the number of times the email has been opened. The percentage next to the number is the percentage of recipients that opened the email.
Note: Follow Up Boss receives an open reply from the server to calculate this number. This number can include scans by spam filters.
The number of times a link within the email has been clicked. The percentage next to the number is the percentage of recipients that clicked a link in the email.
The number of recipients that unsubscribed from this specific batch email. The percentage next to the number is the percentage of recipients that unsubscribed from this specific email.
Bounces are the number of recipients whose email was marked as bounced from this specific batch email. The percentage next to the number is the percentage of recipients that bounced from this specific email. For more information, check out Why Emails Go to Spam.