Connecting your Gmail to Follow Up Boss will unlock calendar syncing for appointments and tasks.
If your Follow Up Boss account is connected to Google Apps or Gmail account, tasks with a date and time (excluding all-day events) in Follow Up Boss will appear in Google Calendar. Tasks without a time, e.g. action plan tasks, will not appear in Google Calendar.
Synced tasks will include the contact's name, email address, and Follow Up Boss profile link. In addition, changes made to the task in Follow Up Boss will be synced to your Google Calendar.
Once connected, you will see your Google appointments in Follow Up Boss, and new appointments created in Follow Up Boss will be added to your Google Calendar. In addition, any synced appointments will have the Google symbol to navigate to your Google Calendar quickly.
Synced appointments will include the name, date, time, location, invitees' email addresses, and event description.
Suppose you run into a situation where events you've removed from your Google Calendar are still flowing into your Follow Up Boss calendar. In that case, you'll want to disconnect and reconnect your Google connection to clean up the sync. You'll be able to disconnect your email from the My Settings page, using the disconnect option.
- Check to make sure you are viewing the main calendar associated with your connected email
- Confirm the Follow Up Boss calendar is toggled on
- Ensure the task or event has a date and time in FUB
Not all Google Calendar appointments are syncing to FUB (with the G in the upper right-hand corner of an event in FUB). To resolve this issue, check the settings below in Google Calendar.
Follow Up Boss will sync your calendar from 6 months prior (to connecting your email) to 2 years into the future. If your email is disconnected and reconnected, the timeframe is reset. To keep the 2 years into the future rolling date, every 2 weeks, another 2 weeks is added to the timeframe.
Appointments created outside of Follow Up Boss will not appear as an Appointment on a Lead's Profile page but will count for Appointment Reporting. They will display [hidden for privacy] in the Appointments Report.
Manually created Tasks in Follow Up Boss must include a date and time to be synced to the Google Calendar. Action Plan Tasks will not sync to the Google Calendar.
To resolve this issue, make sure "Follow Up Boss" is checked on your Google Calendar Sync Settings.