If you received a lead notification email from a lead source but did not get notified of the lead in FUB, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you.
1. Check the Email Address the Lead Notification Was Sent To
It should be your Connected Email or your Follow Up Boss Lead Email Address. If the lead was not sent to either address, you'll need to log into the lead provider account and make sure lead notifications are sent to the correct email.
2. Search for the Lead
If the lead is already in FUB, you will not receive a New Lead Alert. Search by email address or name to check for the lead. It’s possible to receive a lead notification from your lead provider, but the lead already exists in FUB and is assigned to another agent. If that is the case, this is what you will see in Follow Up Boss.
3. Review the Lead Source
If the lead is not from one of our supported lead providers, we may be unable to process the lead.
4. Confirm the Integration is Successfully Connected
If you’ve checked all of this, forward the original lead notification email to support@followupboss.com and we will look into the source of the problem!