Do you need to add FUB notes to a third-party system? No worries! You can do this via Zapier. Follow the steps below to get started.
Note: This zap requires a Zapier Pro subscription to publish.
Zapier Integration
1. Log into Zapier
2. Click + Create in the upper left-hand corner > Zaps
3. Select Trigger
4. Choose Follow Up Boss
5. Trigger Event = Tag Added to Contact > Select/sign in to your FUB Account > Continue
6. Tag name = Create a unique Tag Name > Continue
Note: When this tag is added to a contact in FUB, the notes will be sent to the third-party system.
7. Select the desired contact to test with > Continue with the selected record
Note: If a contact doesn't appear, add the tag from step 6 to a lead in FUB. Ensure this lead has a note on the profile for testing.
8. Select Follow Up Boss for step 2
9. Action Event = API Request (Beta) > Select/sign in to your FUB Account > Continue
10. HTTP Method = GET > URL = > Query Strong Parameters = personId + ID number > Continue
11. Continue
12. Select Formatter for step 3
13. Action Event = Utilities > Continue
14. Transform = Line-item to Text > Input = Response Data Notes Body > Separator = [:comma:] > Continue
15. Publish
16. Select the App you want FUB notes to be added to
17. In the field you want FUB notes added to, click the + button > Utilities in Formatter by Zapier > Output Item 1
18. Complete the zap as desired > Continue and Publish