The weekly report provides an overview of what happened in your account over the previous week and how you are tracking against your annual production goal. Each Monday the weekly business insights email is sent to the desired recipients.
Note: This report is only available if Real Estate is selected as your Industry in your company settings.
Enabling Weekly Business Insight Emails
1. Admin users will navigate to Admin > Company
2. Scroll down to Business Insights
3. Click + Add Email
4. Search and select team members or enter an email
Note: Add your coach email addresses to this list!
5. Save
Example Email
Note: Each link brings you to a list of people or a report in Follow Up Boss.
The sum of the price from the Deals tab of any current deals that have a close date between the start of the year and the end date. The calculation of the end date is done when the email is sent out and is set to the previous Sunday at 11:59:59pm.