Tracking your deals in Follow Up Boss lets you connect lead sources to closed transactions. This can help you manage the process, see where your deals are coming from, and importantly, let you report on exactly how big your pipeline is.
Each deal pipeline holds a series of stages that represent the lifetime of a deal from creation to close. In Follow Up Boss, you can create your own custom pipelines to represent your sales process and keep track of all the deals flowing through your sales team. Follow Up Boss comes with two pipelines named 'Buyers' and 'Sellers' that should fit most organizations' basic needs for tracking deals. The stages' ordering is always from left to right, so the first stage will be to the far left of the page.
Note: Only the account owner may change pipelines and their stages.
Creating a Deal from the Deals Screen
Press the plus button in the stage where you want to create a deal. Most deals will start in the first stage, located on the far left of the page.
When creating a deal, you can specify a name, the price, the projected closing date, contacts that belong to the deal, commission, and splits, and team members that belong to the deal. Team members who are non-admins will not be able to view deals unless they are added to the deal. This information may be edited at any time, so don't worry if the terms of your deal change! To finish creating your deal, press the blue Create Deal button at the bottom.
Following creation, the deal appears in the stage that you assigned it.
Note: Non-admin users will only see deals that they are part of.
Adding Commission Splits to Your Deals
You can now add Commission Splits to your Deals! Once you add Commission to the deal, you will see a + Add Split button below the number field. Click that to add the Agent Split or Team Split (or both!). Agent splits are counted on the agent's Goal Report.
You can add your splits in dollar amount or in percentage.
When entering percentages, the rounded dollar value will appear as a preview below the input box. Saving a split will save the dollar value of the split. If the combined value of the splits exceeds the commission, a warning icon will appear. Deals can still be saved when the split sum exceeds the commission and can also be saved when a split is present but a commission is not. Switching between dollars and percentages in any split input will automatically convert the current value to either the dollar or percentage equivalent.
Creating a Deal from the Contact Page
Deals may also be created from the contact page. Press the plus button in the Deals box, located in the bottom right of the page. Enter the information, specifying what pipeline and stage the deal should belong to, and press Create Deal. Any team members assigned to the user will be automatically added to the deal.
All deals that the contact belongs to will be shown in the Deals box on their page.
Note: Non-admin users will only see deals that they are part of.
Editing Deals
To edit a deal, click anywhere on the card. You can edit deal information from the Deals page or from a contact's page.
Moving Deals through Stages
As the deal progresses, drag and drop the deal into the stage that best represents its current state. Follow Up Boss will track when a deal moves to a new stage for reporting purposes.
Archiving Deals
Deals may want to be archived when you are resetting a pipeline (for the new year) or when they have lost a deal. To archive a deal, hover your mouse over the upper right-hand corner of the deal. The archive option will appear.
To view archived deals, select Archived in the upper right-hand corner of the Deals tab.
Viewing Deals for Other Users
If you are an admin, you can filter deals for a specific user on the deals page by using the dropdown located in the top right corner of the page.
Viewing Deals on the People Table
You can filter for Deals on the People table using the Deals filters. You can filter for Deal Stage, Deal Price, and Deal Close Date. Only one deal will be displayed in the table even if multiple deals match the filtering criteria. The Deal that displays is the deal with the closest upcoming close date.
You can also create deals on the FUB iPhone and Android app!