Save time and share Automations with a couple of clicks! By sharing automations, you can quickly transfer your automated processes to colleagues or team members, allowing them to benefit from your efficient workflows without the need for manual setup.
Note: Only the owner and admin users can share automations.
Sharing an Automation
1. Go to Admin > Automations
2. Navigate to the desired automation > Share on the right-hand side
3. Enable sharing for this template > Copy the sharing link > Add a description (optional) > Done
Note: The description will show on the landing page of the shared Automations.
4. Share the link for others to copy the automation to their account.
Anyone accessing the landing page will be able to see the Automation in its entirety including the triggers, conditions, and action plan (along with the content of the action plan). Other Follow Up Boss Admins and Owners will be able to copy the Automation in its entirety to their own account (including the action plan + email templates).
Copying an Automation
To copy a shared automation to your account, click Use Automation.
Copying a shared automation will copy the automation including the triggers, conditions, and action plan to your account. Once copied to your account, you can edit the automation to fit your specific needs.
Tip: Be sure to pay extra attention to any conditions or action plan steps that involve an assignment. You will want to make sure that you edit those steps to fit your account's needs.