If someone you call tells you your number is showing “Spam/Scam Likely” that means your number has been flagged as spam with their cell phone carrier. Each carrier has its own list of numbers they’ve flagged as spam and its own process for spotting spam traffic on its network which is not available to the public. This means that you may call two different leads and one sees “Spam/Scam Likely” and the other does not.
Remember: Every person you contact can flag your number as spam with their own cell carrier. Don’t give them a reason to flag you as spam; provide value and service.
If you are following the best practices outlined here and have still been flagged as spam, you can request carriers to clear the spam flag from your number. Each carrier will follow up with you once the respective forms are complete and you will typically start to see results in 3-5 days.
Once your information is submitted, each carrier’s spam provider will respond directly to you by email. This part of the process happens outside of Follow Up Boss and is controlled by each carrier and their spam provider. Typical response times are:
- Hiya (on behalf of AT&T): 24 hours
- TNS (on behalf of Verizon): 24 hours
- First Orion (on behalf of T-mobile, Sprint, Cell1): 30 days
As each carrier updates its records to clear the “Spam Likely” flag from your number, their customers will stop seeing that alert. It’s very important to note that a number can be flagged as “Spam/Scam Likely” again, so use the best practices above to build and keep a good phone reputation.
United States Customers
- Go to Free Call Registry
- Select Register Here
- Complete the following fields:
Company Numbers: Add Follow Up Boss numbers and display name (company name)
- You can include multiple phone numbers on the form. If you are registering more than 5 numbers and need a list of all the phone numbers in your Follow Up Boss account, contact us at support@followupboss.com.
- I believe my calls are: Real Estate
- Contact Name: Your name
- Company Phone: Your cell phone number
- Email: Your business email
- Calling Company Name: Your business name
- Calling Company Address: Your business address
- Calling Company URL: Your business website URL
- Service Provider(s): Twilio
- Calls per month: Provide the number of calls per month (can be pulled from call reporting)
- Feedback: Provide the feedback you have received from leads and how your calls are labeled
- Click Send Verification Code: This will send a verification code to the email address provided
- Enter Verification Code from Email: Paste the verification code from the email
- Submit
Company Numbers: Add Follow Up Boss numbers and display name (company name)
Canadian Customers
- Go to Hiya's Submit a Request form and complete the following fields:
- Please Choose your issue below: I have a problem with the information shown for my phone number
- Your Email Address: Add your email address
- Description: Describe the issue
- Does the number belong to a business or a person?: Business
- Do you want to register your phone numbers and information with Hiya?: Yes, I would like to provide information Hiya can use for reputation and to identify my calls
- Would you like for us to change or remove your information?: Change
- I believe my number is wrongly flagged by spam: Check the box
Phone number(s) that need action: Add Follow Up Boss Numbers
- You can include multiple phone numbers on the form. If you are registering more than 5 numbers and need a list of all the phone numbers in your Follow Up Boss account, contact us at support@followupboss.com.
- Country Code: Canada (+1)
- Business Name/Display Name: Company Name
- Business Website: Website URL (add https:// before your URL)
- Your Name and Title: Full name and position
- Are you contacting Hiya ON BEHALF of another business? NO
- Average Monthly Call Volume: Add call volume
- Wrong Caller ID Name: What the caller ID is showing currently
- I accept the terms and conditions for registering: Check box
- Please inform me on other ways that Hiya Connect can improve my contact rates: Optional
Attachments: Attach any images you may have of the caller ID
- Submit