Den is an AI listening tool making it easier for sales professionals to understand their leads and their unique goals, so they can build stronger relationships and close the deals that matter most.
How it Works
Den provides an AI call summary with key takeaways, action items, and customizable flags (coming soon) immediately after a call with a client or a lead. You can learn more about Den AI here.
API Integration
1. Log In to FUB
2. Go to Admin > Integration > Den AI
3. Select Enable
4. Go to Admin > API
5. Name the API Key Den AI > Create API Key > Copy (save for step 7)
6. Log In to Den AI
7. Paste the FUB API Key in Den AI > Submit
8. The integration is complete! Den AI will automatically generate a call summary for calls made through FUB. Call summaries can be found on the lead profile within the Den AI Embedded App.
Questions? Reach out to Den AI at or